Ways to contact us
If you have been affected by a disaster, you might have legal questions or concerns. There are a number of ways where you can be connected to the right service.

Legal information
Read about common legal issues that arise after a disaster.

Use online chat
Legal Help chat is available on partner Victoria Legal Aid's website for legal assistance and referrals.

Being legally prepared
It’s important to be legally prepared to work through the aftermath of a disaster. Read about how to be legally prepared.

Help is available in your language if you've been affected by the Victorian floods
Find out more about help available if you have been affected by recent flooding in Victoria. Information also available in Arabic / عربي, Simplified Chinese /简体中文, Traditional Chinese / 繁體中文, Dari / دری, Greek/ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ, Italian / Italiano, Karen / ကညီ, Pashto/پښتو, Punjabi/ਪੰਜਾਬੀ and Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt.
Other ways to contact us
If you don’t speak English or it is your second language, please call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask to be put through to Disaster Legal Help Victoria on 1800 113 432.
If you are deaf or you find it hard to hear or speak on the phone, you can email us at DisasterLegalHelp@vla.vic.gov.au or contact us through the National Relay Service. Visit the National Relay Service website for more information.
About us
Disaster Legal Help Victoria co-ordinates legal assistance for people impacted by disaster and provides community legal education to build resilience. It is a partnership between the Federation of Community Legal Centres, Justice Connect, the Law Institute of Victoria, Victoria Legal Aid, Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service and the Victorian Bar Association.
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